todayJuly 2, 2024

The new RPC of West Nile SSP. Denis Ochama after taking over officer.

By Morish Dramadri

Arua city

The newly appointed West Nile Regional Police Commander SSP. Denis Ochama has taken over office to succeed ACP Eddie Sserunjoji.

SSP. Denis Ochama the former deputy Regional Police Commander of West Nile was appointed the substantive RPC following the appointment of his former boss ACP Eddie Sserunjogi as the Acting Commissioner of police to head a department at police headquarters.

While handing over office on Tuesday at the regional police headquarter in Arua, ACP Eddie Sserunjogi attributed his success in the region to the collaboration among the various stakeholders.

“Fighting the wave of crime especially grabbing phones, armed robbery, this we did with the help of the intelligence, we were able to coordinate with the military and also the general public was able to give us information to curve out these black spots, that’s what helped us to reduce the city crime incidences almost to a mere zero,” ACP. Sserunjogi attested.

Outgone RPC ACP. Eddie Sserunjogi handing over office to the new RPC
SSP. Denis Ochama

West Nile regional police spokesperson SSP Josephine Angucia however hailed the outgone regional police commander for his outstanding performance in fighting criminality within the region and hopes the continuous sanity.

“This outgoing RPC is like a parent, I know people of West Nile region will miss his services, nevertheless he has mentored his deputy and he has been elevated substantively to head the region, I believe the region will go far,” SSP. Angucia noted.

Meanwhile SSP. Denis Ochama the new RPC urged for corporation and team work among the staff. “I am very convinced that by the time I have been here he handed over the mantle to me to directly supervise the regional staffs and I really did not get any problem and I don’t hope that we shall get any problem, I pledge your support to work together, this is not one man’s thing, I hope to continue to pacify this region as it has been done,” SSP. Ochama pledged.

ACP Eddie Sserunjongi who served West Nile as the commander of police for about two years is among the officers appointed by the new Inspector General of Police Abbas Byakagaba in his recent and first reshuffle since being appointed Inspector General of Police.

ACP Eddie Sserunjogi the outgone West Nile RPC showing one of the wards
won during his tenure to the new RPC SSP. Denis Ochama


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