todayJune 26, 2024

A photo shows a grader working on part of the roads not affected by the powerlines next to the bridge. Photo by Godwin Abedican

By Godwin Abedican

The completion of the road works on Awindiri-Pajulu road in Arua city where Enyau 2 bridge under construction with funding from the world bank through Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development-Additional Funding (USMID-AF) remains uncertain as the main service provider and owner of the power lines along the road has billed to the tune of 52 million shillings to shift power lines that have affected around 4 electric poles from one side of the road to the other to allow the completion of the roads from Awindiri side.

Arua district as the custodian of the project requested for a bill of quantity from West Nile rural Electrification Company WENRECo, in which they were given a bill of 52 million for the service to be provided which is seen as a huge blow given the deadline of the project.

On Monday June 24, 2024, Hon. Obiga Mario Kania, the state, Minister for Lands Housing and Urban Development, together with the USMID team made a monitoring visit to the bridge projects Enyau 1 in Odia and Enyau 2 along Awindiri-Pajulu road, ahead of the commissioning of the two Bridges set for July 15, 2024.

Engineer Tiyo William Odda, the district engineer Arua expresses concern over this and its effects on the project, “Our current challenges arise from the poles. There is one line that belongs to WENRECo where they want 52 million to shift. Then there is another line we are told is a telecom line we have looked for the owners but we could not get. Unfortunately this telecom line was planted when the bridge work was on going, they didn’t consult us and so I told the contractor if they don’t appear, we will push down their lines no matter what the consequences will be,” Engineer Tiyo said.  

The power lines that lead to the bridge. Photo by Godwin Abedican

Expressing his concern over such bills for service provision, Hon. Minister Kania says, it has become a practice among many companies to take advantage of foreign funded projects to make money given their demands, “We have had very good cooperation with people who have private properties as far as compensation of concerned. As long as a project is benefiting them, many of them have even surrendered their demands for compensation. The biggest problem has been compensation demands by government agencies particularly the service providers. It has been a very expensive affair. One government department charging another one very expensively. It’s very strange. Like for this case, just to remove poles a few meters away, a company is asking for 52 million. This is outrageous. And yet to install a new pole, you pay about 3 to 4 million only,” Minister Kania noted in anger.    

Responding to these concerns over the huge bill, Kenneth Kigumba, the General Manager WENRECo says, the district engineer approached them for the relocation services and was issued a quotation 52 million shillings with considerations for material costs picked from the design and the labor including VAT.

Kenneth adds that, if the district finds it expensive, they can seek for the service from a private contractor as allowed by the frame works and WENRECo will only play the supervision role to ensure conformity to the industry standards.

USMID projects funded by the World Bank do not cater for compensations in areas affected by the projects.

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