todayJune 30, 2024

Chief Simon Avuku Kutulungu III sited on the throne stool
Stephen Unzimai


Elders of Pamujo Metu-Li chiefdom in Metu sub county Moyo district have installed his highness Avuku Simon Kutulungu as their cultural chief. Avuku Simon was installed as the Chief Kutulungu the III on June 26, 2024 at their ancestral cultural site by the clan elders in the presence of neighboring clan chiefs of Pamoyi Metu-Oru chief, Erepi and others.

Chief Avuku Simon Kutulungu III accepted his responsibility and swears to work hand in hand with the clan elders and other chiefs. “I therefore accept this office for Pamujo Metu-Li chiefdom and I promise to do my best to unite the people in the chiefdom and work together as a partner with other chiefdom, for unity and bring development in our community.” Chief Avuku promised.

Chief Avuku added that the coronation will empower him to perform his duties as the chief.  After his coronation, many people tasked the chief to work hard and revive madi cultural norms and practices.

David Logi the secretary for culture in Metu-Oru chiefdom who represented the chief Metu-Oru clan congratulated Chief Avuku Simon Kutulungu III for his success as the chief and asked him to stick to madi culture.

Mr. Ajusi Silver Drazelega from Pamoti clan who are the uncles of Chief Avuku Simon prayed for better administration as their son takes the administration of the Pamujo Metu-Li chiefdom

Mr. Agwe Jonathan Aliko, Metu Sub County chief said the existence of the traditional chiefs is a constitutional right.  “What we are doing here is under Uganda constitution of 1995, section 16 states that the institution of traditional or cultural leaders may exist in any area of Uganda in accordance to the culture, custom and tradition or wishes and aspiration of the people to whom it applies.” Mr. Agwe cited.

Mujo is the founding father of Pamujo Metu-Li chiefdom located in Metu Sub County in Moyo district. 

Nyerere Julius Ambama the assistant RDC Moyo during the coronation tasked the chief to work hand in hand with the government to up bring the community.
The first chief was Mujo followed by Ridi, Monzo, and Monzo was succeeded by Kure followed by Doli, Binyo later Kutulungu, Awele, Daniel and Now Avuku Simon Kutulungu the III.

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