todayJune 26, 2024

By Stephen Odong

Gulu City

The fundraising drive for a planned medical camp being organized by the students hailing from subregion studying at KIU has officially been launched by the Chief of Lamogi Chiefdom, His Highness Otinga Atuka Otto Yai.
His Highness, Otinga Atuga Otto Yai, the chief of Lamogi chiefdom who presided over the launched of the medical camp fundraising at Ker Kwaro Kal Acholi headquarters in Gulu City appealed to the students not to stop aiming higher in their studies. "After getting your first degree, don’t stop there, go for your second degree, and so on" he remarked. "It`s high time Acholi people wake up and again start competing with the other regions, this can only be done when we attain good education" he added. "I appreciate you for coming up with this brilliant idea of organizing a medical camp, this is really a gesture, I pray that you continue with it", he echoed.

The chief of Lamogi Chiefdom, Rwot Otinga Atuka Otto Yai, sitting on the chair poses for a group with students of KIU

Rwotomio Brian, the former Guild president of Kampala International University Western Campus, says that they are doing this as part of their corporate social responsibility as students with the belief that everyone can offer something to the community. "We are starting with Agago district and in the subsequent years the other remaining districts across Acholi Subregion shall also benefit for this" he noted. "our budget for this medical camp is 10 million shillings, we are appealing to well-wishers   and people of goodwill to support us in this, as students we are also mobilizing this money within ourselves where some of us are giving 50,000 thousand shillings, 100,000 thousand shillings and so on" he added.

Ronald olara David, the spokesperson for Acholi Gulu university students` association appreciates his fellow students under their umbrella Acholi students` Association at KIU Western Campus for coming up with this kind of initiative of conducting a medical outreach in Agago district. "This is really evry important if young people could come up with this idea of giving back to the community even before graduating, this is really commendable, he noted. "As Gulu university Acholi students` Association, we shall partner with you in this noble course, " he added.

Mr. Ronald further explained that as Gulu university Acholi students` Association, this kind of initiative is not new to them since they always engage with the community on a number of issues such as land wrangles, how to settle conflicts, tackling GBV related issues, how to improve on the standard of education in the subregion, among other issues. KIU through its teaching hospital will support the medical camp with medical equipment and drugs.

The medical camp will be held at Lukole health center III in Lukole Town Council in Agago district where services like, General consultation, cervical and breads cancer screening, HIV counselling and testing, Malaria tasting and treatment, maternal and child healthcare services, immunization, among others starting on the 8th and will run up to 12th of July 2024.
COVER PHOTO: Rwot Otinga Atuka Otoo Yai of Lamogi chiefdom signing on the banner By Stephen Odong

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