todayOctober 20, 2024

Mildred Ayikoru, the health assistant Vurra sub county responding to the concerns over selling drugs. Photo by Godwin Abedican

By Godwin Abedican

Village health teams (VHTs) in Ringili Parish, Vurra sub county Arua district have been accused of sales of government drugs meant for distribution to the members of the community

This issue was raised during a community media engagement organized by Community Empowerment for Rural development (CEFORD) a Non-Governmental Organization that has been holding community engagements focusing on access to service delivery and community challenges in the district.

During the engagement held at Andifeku Center, Ringili parish on Wednesday October 16, 2024, residents complained that the few drugs that the government gives to the VHTs for distribution often ends up in some private facilities like clinics and drug shops.

Andama Allan, the Vice Chairperson LC1 Andifeku center-A says, he has ever seen this happen but personally could not take any step since the Office of the LC is always not involved in the drug collection and distribution circle and schedules to the VHTs.

“I don’t know if VHTs are really important any more. In my village, the drugs that used to be brought through the VHTs are no longer there. And we are not aware if the children who are supposed to benefit from these drugs are really getting them. Some of these drugs do not reach the villages, they are diverted from the pickup points and sold out to private facilities. I have ever witnessed them doing that. There is one VHT from my village there. I have seen these VHTs selling medicine to other clinics. I know others. This is affecting people because they cannot now get what is meant for them,” Andama narrated.

The VHTS in the area get medicine for distribution to the community from Kuluva hospital as the picking center.

Maturu Mary, the VHT coordinator for Ringili parish warns that much as she is not aware about these occurrences, they are going to do follow-ups and ensure tough actions are taken against those involved

“They always warn us against selling these drugs when we are picking them and if you read the labels on the drugs, its clearly indicated there “NOT FOR SALE”. I have not heard of this happening and no one told me. We are going to follow up. If I get any, we shall report to the LC 1 and the hospital. We shall first warn those involved and if anyone repeats, he or she should be taken to prison because what they are doing is not good,” Maturu warned.

Mildred Ayikoru, the health assistant Vurra sub county pledges a response to this, as they try to find out the truth of the matter

“I think if there is an issue like that, this is yet my first time to hear that VHTs are selling drugs. We have realized that the VHTs and LCs are not working together. There is a big gap between them and they don’t work in unity as needed. The worst part is that, the drugs that are given to the VHTs are in very small quantities whereby, if a few people come to pick, they get finished and the community thinks they are selling these drugs. We are going to address this issue,” she promised in response.

Ringili parish has a total number of 14 Village Heath Team members.

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