todaySeptember 20, 2024

District leaders during the ground breaking for the two projects. 

By Solomon Otim and Godwin Abedican


Arua district has launched the construction of two solar powered water projects to improve on the safe water coverage in the district.

The projects whose construction has been contracted to Nexus Green with funding from a UK Export finance loan will cost a combined amount of over shs. 1.3 billion.

During the hand over of the two sites on Tuesday September 17, 2024, the LC3 chairperson of Vurra Sub County, cautioned the contractors against making decision basing on politics.

“Our politicians are fond of demanding money from you, am a straight forward chairman please come rain come sunshine I want quality works here, you we will stick to the design I don’t want confusion, We shall protect this project with all what it takes to ensure that our community benefit from this water,” he noted.

Anguajibi Jacob, the Lc3 chairperson Ajia Sub County appreciated the government and expressed how the residents of his area are facing water challenges.

”today we are marking a turning point where water is be going to people like a person living here start going to fetch water when the person is not even a year old because the mother would tie the person on the back to look for water meaning the baby also went to look for water, but now if the safe clean water is regularly available and in plenty, the other cost that were incurred for treatment will be saved for other productive works. I am very grateful for this project,” he said.  

District leaders handing over the project documents to the contractor at Ojibari village

Alfred Okuozi, the district chairperson Arua shared his joy and warned the fellow politicians against politicizing service delivery. “To me it is all joy to see that we are handing over the two potential sites for constructions. Service delivery must be separated from politics that we must recognize leaders and know that they are spending sleepless nights thinking about these things,” Okuonzi said.   

Harriet Ederu, the Environment officer under the Minister of Water and Environment confirms the source of the fund for the water project while explaining the details of the equipment which shall be used to set up the water well, asking the community to monitor the implementation of the project keenly.

“This project is funded by the government of Uganda with a funding from UK Export Finance, we have a pump station, 36 solar panels that are going to be installed, we shall also have an echo sand toilet, a reservoir tank is going to be located up there at the market and it’s going to have 4 plastic tanks which are going to be on a tower” Ederu clarified.

The Ejupala production well project is set to cost shs. 510 million while the other project to be implemented in Ojibari village will cost shs. 810,150,000. The two projects are expected to be completed within a period of 6 months.

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