todayOctober 5, 2024

Omoro District chairperson Douglas Peter Okello Okao together with the District Resident commissioner Emmanuel Okot pose during the Launch of rehabilitation of Koro Abili-Abwoch Road by photo by Scovia Akwero.
By Scovia Akwero


The long-awaited rehabilitation of Koro Abili-Abwoch Road has finally been launched at Abwoch trading centre, Abuga sub- county Omoro District.
According to the district Engineer Santo Ojok Copil, they are going to use shs 89.3 million for this road rehabilitation.

“This quarter that is ending, we got 250 million shillings for road maintenance grant which is out of the 1 billion shillings so, every quarter we receive 250 million shillings, the Roads we are going to rehabilitate is from Koro to Abwoch, and it connects koro, Abwoch, Abuga and it ends at Onyago in Gulu City and if we combine them, they are 8.8 kilometers, for this rehabilitation, we are going use shs 89.3 million,” he explained.

Douglas Peter Okello Kao, the Omoro district LC5 Chairperson said that the District Roads committee always selects the roads to be rehabilitated basing on some key areas looking at things like hospitals, Markets and schools to provide easy access to services by the people.

“They picked this road because it connects people to Abwoch Health centre III, Abwoch primary School, Abwoch market and Gulu City, that`s why the district roads committee had to choose this road to be considered for rehabilitation in the first phase,” he remarked.

Wilson Komakech, a community member from Abwoch Parish asked the Local government to mean what they are doing by really doing good work. “Am so glad to hear that you are working on those roads but request you to ensure that quality work is done, in the past some people came and did poor quality work on this road, they made the road to become very narrow whereby if you walking and vehicle gets you, you struggle to make way for it to pass, I really appeal that this new team should correct that,” he echoed. 

Mily Akello, the in charge of Abwoch Health Center 3 disclosed that most expectant mothers do give birth on their way before reaching the health centre because of the bad roads,

“The rehabilitation of this road is going to help even us as the health workers, we are having problem with this road whereby some expectant mothers give birth on their way to the health centre because of the bad road,” she said.

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